Around ten studentships are offered each year for outstanding engineering or science graduates who wish to develop their capabilities in industrial design and aspire to become leading designers. The scheme is open to applicants resident in the UK who intend to make a career in British industry.

The aim of the scheme is to stimulate industrial design capability among the country’s most able science and engineering graduates. In the Commissioners’ view, industrial design cannot be dissociated from a clear understanding of the underlying engineering science of the product and it is for this reason that first degrees in science or engineering are prescribed. These are complementary, not alternative, disciplines. For products to succeed they must not only be fit for purpose, but they must also look good and represent value for money.

At a glance

  • Funding valueAll tuition fees plus stipend of £12,000 plus £850 for materials
  • Suitable for Applicants fromUK
  • DeadlineOn going
  • Funding provider(s)Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

What it covers

  • All tuition fees, up to the normal UK course level for UK students.
  • Stipend of £12,000 PA. 
  • Allowance of £850 PA for materials. 
  • Some travel expenses may be paid. 

Duration is one year. A second year will be supported if the course demands it and the first year has been satisfactorily completed.

Who can apply

Applicants must:

  • Be resident in the UK.
  • Intend to make a career in British industry.
  • Have a good first degree, normally in engineering/science, but other degrees may be considered.
  • Demonstrate precise analytical thinking, creativity and open-mindedness that will result in benefit to British industry.
  • Have obtained admission to a suitable postgraduate course, normally in the UK, in industrial design or in engineering if wishing to complement a design-oriented first degree.
  • Normally have recently graduated.

Applicable courses

Further information

Interviews of shortlisted candidates will normally be held in June each year. Fellowships must commence in the year of award, normally at the beginning of October.

How to apply

All applications much be submitted by email using the and must be accompanied by a full CV, which gives details of past work experience, a statement and evidence of interest and expectations in industrial design, including the intention to make a career in British industry and evidence of acceptance for the intended course.

The deadline for applications is usually in the last week of April each year. Please check the  for more information.